Acupuncture is a kind of therapy that inserting needles into acupoints along the body's meridians. Electrooptics acupuncture uses needles that are stimulated electrically. Needle insertion is thought to increase levels of endorphins (hormones that block the pain and promote the general feeling of well-being) in the body and can stimulate the release of serotonin and catecholamines. Several studies indicate that the effectiveness of electro-acupuncture in the treatment of depression may be similar to amitriptyline (a tricyclic antidepressant). In addition, electro-acupuncture may be associated with fewer side effects than antidepressant is The exercise serves as a lift for both depressed mood and nondepressed individuals. Experience shows that the exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in reducing depression. In one study, the combination of exercise and psychotherapy is more effective in alleviating depression than psychotherapy alone. Exercise can prevent recurrent episodes of depression in people with a history of depression. In addition, the scientific evidence suggests regular exercise can prevent depressive episodes in people with no history of mood disturbance. Aerobic (eg, walking, running, or cycling) and anaerobic (eg, weight training and stretching) exercises are equally effective for improving mood. Both biological and psychological mechanisms are believed to be responsible for the effect of exercise on mood: Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins: hormones that reduce pain and promote a general feeling of well-being. In addition, the exercise increases blood flow in key areas of the brain. Psychological benefits of exercise can include increased self-esteem, rejection of hostility, increased feelings of mastery of skills, and the distraction daily worries and negative thoughts. Physical activity provides an opportunity for social interaction and support. Exerciser often achieve a sense of accomplishment by making a commitment to a program to improve self-reliance. However, persons who exercise in excess (overtrain) can develop chronic fatigue, noting a decline in performance, or bored with their physical activity program. These side effects can increase feelings of depression. Depression-Learn More Relaxation therapy for depression Therapy consists mainly of relaxation techniques designed to reduce tensions physical and mental. These include muscle relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, autogenic training, visualization, meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, Zen meditation, yoga and other therapies for the mind and body. Although it is not normally used as an exclusive treatment of depression, relaxation techniques, many studies suggest that may be as effective as antidepressants. Combined treatment (ie, relaxation therapy with an antidepressant medication) may be more effective at alleviating depression that are antidepressants alone. Scientists believe that these relaxation therapies reduce depression distracted by the mind of negative thoughts, improved mental focus, promote a sense of mastery and self-control, and decreasing the activity of the nervous system nice (responsible for the increase in heart rate and metabolism).
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